After "I'm Smart" and "Awesome" Gallery" here comes another free blogger template - "Stunning Looks". The most important feature of this template is the rounded corners of common boxes like header-wrapper, content-wrapper, main-wrapper, etc. But this feature will not work with IE, don't worry, still it won't look bad there. You can try the demo from the link below. Hope you all would like this too.
Screen-shot: Stunning Looks (On Firefox 3.5)
Installation Steps:
Backup you existing template:
- Go to Edit HTML, and then click Download Full Template and save it.
- Go to Layout > Edit HTML
- Click on the Browse Button and upload the stunning_looks.xml file.
- Click on the Save button.
To edit top navigation menu find following codes;
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>HOME</a></li>
<li><a href='LINK URL'>LINK 1</a></li>
<li><a href='LINK URL'>LINK 2</a></li>
<li><a href='LINK URL'>LINK 3</a></li>
<li><a href='LINK URL'>LINK 4</a></li>
and replace the RED texts shown in above code with link Urls and titles respectively.
To edit top "728x90 leaderboard" ad panel and "Twitter" & "Feed" button links find following codes;
To edit top "728x90 leaderboard" ad panel and "Twitter" & "Feed" button links find following codes;
<div id='banner_728_90'><a href=' TWITTER USER ID' target='_blank'><img alt='Follow Me' background='transparent' class='twtlink' height='90' onmouseout=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=80' onmouseover=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=100' src='' style='opacity:0.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80)' width='90'/></a><img border='0' src=''/><a href='YOUR FEED URL HERE' target='_blank'><img alt='Feed Me' background='transparent' class='rsslink' height='90' onmouseout=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=80' onmouseover=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=100' src='' style='opacity:0.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80)' width='90'/></a></div>
and replace RED texts with your Twitter User ID, BLUE texts with your adsense 728x90 leaderboard ad code and the texts in PINK with your blog's feed URL.
To edit "Email Subscription Form" for feeds find following codes;
To edit "Email Subscription Form" for feeds find following codes;
<!-- Email Subscription Form Widget Starts -->
<center><div id='subsfeed'>
<form action='' method='post' onsubmit=''', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true' target='popupwindow'><input class='subsfeed_field' name='q' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "email address here";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "email address here") {this.value = "";}' type='text' value='email address here'/><input name='uri' type='hidden' value='aroundweb'/><input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/><input class='subsfeed_button' type='submit' value=''/></form>
</div></center><!-- Email Subscription Form Widget Starts -->
and replace RED texts shown in above code with your feedburner feed title.
To edit "125x125 AD Panel" in the sidebar find following codes;
<!-- 125x125 SPONSOR ADS STARTS-->
<center><a href='125x125 AD LINK URL'><img src=''/></a> <a href='125x125 AD LINK URL'><img src=''/></a></center>
<center><a href='125x125 AD LINK URL'><img src=''/></a> <a href='125x125 AD LINK URL'><img src=''/></a></center>
<!-- 125x125 SPONSOR ADS ENDS-->
and replace the RED texts shown in the above code with link and image Urls respectively.
For any further query come through the comments section!
Can you help me to install this template? I really liked its designing and am looking forward to use it in one of my blogs, but co-author of my blog insists for a three columnar blog, can we make this three columnar one? Also for few more things i need your help. You can contact me on admin(at)shirdisaibabastories(dot)org.
Thanks and Regards
@Ms. Hetal Patil....First of all thanks as you liked this design...& secondly, I'm always happy to to help.....well, just put on your queries here and I'll reply asap.
As you asked if I'm gonna make it 3 column one so, I would say that it is very much possible but it sounds little worthless to spend time on old one as it may take around the same time to make adjustments in which I can have a new one.
But, I would like to know if you are planning to have a theme based on SAI BABA, then I can specially design one for you, coz, me too a big SAI BABA "bhakt", don't worry, I won't charge anything for that! Just, give some ideas you would like to have on theme, I'll try my best!
It would be my and my Sai brother Rana Gill's pleasure if we can get specific theme based on SAI BABA JI. I would request you to visit this blog SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM and decide something unique. The basic features like read more, comment avtar, upper menu bar, beautiful header (though we have our own header picture ready) etc are some of the features we would like to have.
We would like to keep the colours in tact since it matches with cd cover of the album which we are pushing up on the blog. Other technical aspects you know better and i am sure you will not miss them.
Thank you very much for your kind helping hand.
May Baba bless you always.
Jai Sai Ramji
Sai Ki Deewani
Hetal Patil
@Ms. Hetal Patil...sure..I'll start this work within this week...hope you will keep patience! can also contact me through the contact form under the "Contact Me" tab @ sidebar.
Yeah sure we will wait, no hurries or haste!!! If needed i will contact you through the form too :)
Where is the contact form?
@MS Hetal Patil....there is "Contact Me" tab at the side bar, see the screenshot through the url I'm posting below:
Or you can simply reply to the mail I sent to you!
Hi..I love this template,but it is missing the navigation at the top and it just doesn't look like the one above! Can you please help me figure this out? By the way,I love your work. It is amazing! Thanks and here is the link to my website: