'Bhuvan' (which in sanskrit means the earth) a mapping web application like 'Google Earth' has been launched by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) on Wednesday. National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), a part of ISRO, has played the lead role in the designing and developing 'Bhuvan'.
NRSA developed the contents using data provided by Indian satellites like Resourcesat-1. 'Bhuvan' also focus on rural and thematic applications like wasteland mapping and terrain profile. It contains weather details like humidity levels. Viewers can zoom into 'Bhuvan' maps up to 10 metres compared to Google Earth's 200 metres and Wikemapia's 50 metres.
'Bhuvan' can be accessed on http://www.bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in.
'Bhuvan' can be accessed on http://www.bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in.